After two years without a dog in the family, we felt it was time to welcome another dog into our home. Our daughter’s friend, Marissa, offered us one of her new puppies. Born from a cross between a Chihuahua and a Fox Terrier, we visited the litter and made our selection. Three weeks later, the puppy was weaned and we brought our new family member home. Our daughter named our new bundle, Taco. You think that is bad? We used to have a male cat that our niece, Ashleigh, named Balls. Imagine my taking Balls into the vet to have him neutered. “I’m sorry, Michelle. What is his name?” Oh yes, laughter ensued…
What is ironic is that the name of a dog born from a Chihuahua and a Fox Terrier is a hybrid breed called a Taco Terrier…who would have thought?
I can't believe you had to mention the "Balls" story. I was, what, two? Nearly twenty years later and I still haven't lived that one down. lol