Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where does the time go?

I am sitting here, listening to the laughter of my daughter and husband as they relax watching an old episode of King of Queens and it strikes me that the time is going so fast. I remember the time when we first time that she laughed, I mean truly laughed from the core of her little being. Amanda was just months old and we were on a quick weekend trip with my beloved mother. Mom and I were relaxing on the bed with Amanda. We were talking to her and tickling her and then Amanda laughed so hard that before you knew it, we were all laughing until tears streamed down our faces.

There are so many times that I look at my daughter and I thank God that she is a happy and healthy young woman of 17. Before you know it, I will be crying at her high school graduation, but they will be tears of happiness. God has entrusted us to raise this wonderful young woman and for that, I will be eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father.

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