Friday, March 18, 2011

Tie Dye Cupcakes

My dessert of choice is usually a New York Cheesecake. I will request this for my birthday year after year; however, this year I asked Amanda to make me something different...tie dye cupcakes. I had seen these done in different places, so I knew this would be something fun for all of us.

Amanda prepared the cake mix as directed and then divided the batter into five different cups. She mixed the colors using gel coloring and then added a spoonful of each color to each cupcake liner stacking the colors as you go. She baked them as directed on the cake mix box and they were perfect! She topped them with cream cheese frosting and sprinkles...yummy and fun!

Tie dye is near and dear to our family. My husband wears tie dye t-shirts on his down time from his job and they travel on vacation with us. This is always a plus because we can find him almost anywhere. In fact, the joke is, "Do you see Dad?".

1 comment:

  1. Tie-dye, yay! I hope we can make these when I come to visit. :)

    We should make a book: "Where's Uncle Robbie?" Take that, Waldo! lol
